I can’t believe I’m saying this but…
I’m so incredibly excited to spend the next two months revising and polishing No Man’s Land with the help of the incredible Molly E. Lee!
Check her out her Goodreads page here!
There are many contests out there to help writers find representation but Pitchwars has always been my holy grail because the focus of PitchWars is revision. Of course, there’s also an agent round at the end of it (and the names on the agent list are ridiculous!!!) but more than anything, I wanted the opportunity to revise with a mentor who cares about my story. The agent round is just an awesome bonus!
See, I want No Man’s Land to sparkle when it lands in an agent’s inbox. That’s why I haven’t queried it yet. This book feels like a pan of brownies a few minutes before they finish baking. Still delicious and I’m more than happy to stuff my face, but I wouldn’t put a plate of slightly gooey chocolate on the table at a fancy dinner party. 🙂 PitchWars is my opportunity to get advice and feedback from an experienced mentor, to have someone I can bounce ideas off of, and run things past, and hopefully during this revision window I’ll take NML from delicious to ready to serve. Okay, I’ll stop with the brownie metaphor, but mmmmmmmm brownies.
I’ve spent the last few weeks reading every twitter thread, blog post, and article posted by the PitchWars mentors and I’ve already learned so much. It was hard, but I resisted the urge to mess with my manuscript during the wait. Now I get to jump back in!
This morning I’m going to spend an hour or so with my unfinished fantasy book, as I won’t have time to spend on it for a while, then I’m saying “see you later” to those characters until November.
The next two months are alllllllll about No Man’s Land. Let’s do this!
For my new PitchWars 2017 pledge class, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
And a special note (and virtual hug) to the hopefuls who were disappointed this time. I have been there, I know it stings, but don’t think for a SECOND that you don’t have what it takes. I read your queries on the forums, your bios during #pimpmybio, your words during CP swaps and FB posts, and the talent I saw was ASTOUNDING. I don’t know how the mentors were able to choose. I believe in all of you, I’m cheering for you, I’m here for you! Go forth and be amazing!