My PitchWars entry is officially submitted!
Meanwhile, my full manuscript is in the hands of my favorite editor (my mom) for proofreading, which means I….
have nothing to do.
I should just relax. But I’m not good at that.
Next week I’ll start NaNoWriMo (yes, husband, “again.”) with my YA fantasy dragon book which has been sitting at 24,000 words foreeeeeeveeeer.

If I succeed at cranking out 50k during NaNo, then it will be almost a complete first draft! But I’m really diving in to keep myself busy during the PitchWars agent round which kicks off on November 3 for Young Adult entrants.
I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase about getting back on the horse. For writers, getting back on the horse refers to starting a new project as soon as we send out a “finished” work-in-progress. It’s the best way to keep moving forward and not get stuck in our own heads while we wait to see if anyone wants our words.
However, I won’t beat myself up if this NaNo isn’t a complete success. No matter what, I’m looking forward to some local NaNo write-ins, the camaraderie of NaNo, and I’m hoping to recapture the magic of dumping word-slush on the page and following a story wherever it leads! (*whispers* Because I don’t know what happens in the story!)