Hey friends! Much love to all of you who have been checking in and cheering me on today. PitchWars is like querying in hyperdrive but things still take time, so as much as I’d love to give you a final verdict on my PitchWars experience, that isn’t how this process works, alas.
Day One has been a whirlwind for all of the PitchWars mentees. Some had many more requests than they anticipated and others had fewer, but behind the scenes we are a team- we’re staying in our huddle, slapping butts and pounding helmets!
Or whatever football players do. I don’t know. The point is, we’re in this together.

The initial rush is winding down, but the agent round isn’t over until Monday. That said, I’ve received requests from some excellent agents and I’m very much looking forward to sharing my manuscript with them as soon as the agent round concludes.
Wish us all luck through the weekend as the agents continue to peruse the entries, and beyond, as mentees send out our manuscripts, query agents, and move forward together into the next stage of our journeys.
This crop of writers is unbelievably talented, gracious, supportive, and wonderful and I want every last one of them to find all the success in the world.