With PitchWars gearing up (and my final edits due soon! Eeep!) it’s a great time to talk about edit letters–what they are, how to handle one, and what steps to take when you get one! (Disclaimer: This is all just my opinion, based on my experiences. YMMV.) In the years since I began writing towards…
Tag: PitchWars
PitchWars 2020
That’s right, I’m a PitchWars mentor! Wishlists to come, but for now, you can follow the #PitchWars hashtag and @PitchWars accounts on Instagram and Twitter for updates, or keep a close watch on www.pitchwars.org! Being a 2017 PitchWars mentee was a life-changing experience for me. I learned a ton about craft and the industry, and…
The Agent Showcase: Advice from a PitchWars Flop
First, DISCLAIMERS: I don’t actually consider myself, or anyone, a “PitchWars flop,” but, “Advice from a PitchWars-mentee-who-didn’t-achieve-her-showcase-goal-but-learned-and-made-friends-and-is-still-querying-and-hasn’t-given-up’” isn’t QUITE as pithy. (Plus, I’ll know who actually reads and who doesn’t from the “hey, don’t call yourself that!” responses. *devil horns*) Also, Pitchwars had a major evolution this past year (2018), with much thought and care…