Whew, hey friends! Sorry I’ve been a bit remiss about updating this blog (you should see my family blog, which I don’t think I’ve updated in six months-oops!) but that’s just because I’ve been hard at work.
The good news- No Man’s Land is really getting close! I’m so happy with the changes I’ve made so far and I had a great talk with my mentor yesterday about what’s left to do. We’re both agreed that at this point it’s really about adding and subtracting a few lines here and there, fleshing out a few scenes, or, as she put it, “brush strokes.” No big changes left. Just getting it as shiny and finely tuned as possible before the agent showcase. And I still have a month to go, so I have time to get it done and do it well!
The not as good news- we need to figure out how to craft a killer pitch in 40-50 words that sums up all my book has to offer. Yikes! Still, we have time. (Can you tell I’m reassuring myself here?)
I also need to buckle down and research agents. PitchWars has an agent showcase (and the agent list is rather stunning) but there are no guarantees that the right agent for me is participating, or if they are, that my 300 words will catch their eye amidst all the amazing talent. So I need to be ready to send out query letters as soon as the agent round is over. And that means research. And lists. And organization.
Those of you who know me well are reading that like:
But it’s cool. I’ve got this. Totally got this.
Coming soon: I’m going to start adding book recs to my Facebook Page so stay tuned for that!